Arriving in Zagreb early in the morning, still dark, and find it already in full activity.
Zagreb. Always on the move without ever appearing stressed. Always have time for a coffee, sitting at the table, smoking a cigarette with friends.
Until a few years ago, on the station board, you could see destinations such as Paris, Rome, Sofia, Instambul, Munich, Zurich. The real center of Europe, a crossroads of cultures and routs.
It's nice to walk around the old town and feel the smells coming from the kitchens. Exactly the same smells than once.
The warm summer evenings where young, elderly and children are siphoning of public spaces, parks, cafes, and can not find a free bench.
Love Zagreb: always in turmoil and at the same time always relaxed.
The coin collection of the Zagreb Archaeological Museum.
walnut biscuits with apricot jam
Vanil Krancle
These cookies make me immediately to mind rainy days. Sitting on the ground to play Mensch ärgere Dich nicht (Čoveče ne ljuti se).
They are very simple. They also contain a little bit of grated walnuts. But you can also use hazelnuts.
My grandmother united them with apricot jam, made by her. But you can also use other jams. It's very good with Rose Hip Jam.
350 g flour (type zero)
100 g sugar
200 g butter or margarine
100 g grated nuts
1 egg yolk
apricot jam
icing sugar
Make a quick dough with flour, sugar, butter, grated nuts, egg yolk and a pinch of salt.
Roll out the dough and cut with cutters of cookies. You can use any form. My grandmother used round shape, and drew the central hole with a thimble, and so do I.
The cooking time is hard to say, because they go from being raw to being burned in a few seconds. Around 15 minutes. But you need to check often and see when they change colour.
When they have cooled add them two by two with jam and bake in powdered sugar. You can also sprinkle a little powdered sugar before serving.

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