It's time for green beans

If you have a small vegetable garden, and if you have planted green beans, at some point it happens that you can no longer consume the green beans you harvest. You can eat green beans every day, freeze a good part, and have the trays of the refrigerator still full of them.


My grandmother did not have the freezer, and I remember that in summer we ate green bean salad every day, and bean soup twice a week. 

How it all started

Build the structure to climb the beans

I think I don't have much experience in planting green beans, because I spend weeks before seeing the first plants. I would like to know if it is the same for you. 

When the first seedlings begin to emerge, then I begin to build the structure for climbing plants, with wood and twine. I know, the manual says to first build the structure, and then insert the plants, but I still do so.


As soon as wooden poles are installed, the plant "sees" the pole, and begins to grow faster. Did you ever notice it?

I'm very happy to go check my beans at least every couple of hours, and see the amazing advances. When the plant grabs the pole for the first time, or the twine, and begins to clamber.


At my grandmother's time, they only had yellow beans. They are now used both green and yellow.

Green bean salad with garlic

The green bean salad here is always seasoned with fresh garlic and vinegar. 

I always leave the freshly cut garlic into vinegar for half an hour/an hour, so it will be less "heavy". 

But you can also cut the garlic into thin slices, which you can then easily remove.


500 g green and yellow beans

1 clove of garlic


olive oil

salt and pepper



Cut the two ends of the green beans, and cut them into 4/5 cm long pieces. 

Wash them and boil in salt water. The cooking time depends on the beans, 15 to 25 minutes.

Cut into small pieces (or slices) the garlic clove and leave it in vinegar for half an hour or more. 

Season the beans with garlic and vinegar, salt and pepper and olive oil.

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