The cat on the rung

Il gatto sulla scala

My grandmother had a cat who did acrobatics in the trees, he loved to cling to curtains and then swind into the void, and took a lot of mice and then bragged about it.

Often he slept in the sun on the ladder leading to the attic. Every time I look at him he was on a different rung.



Pasta and potatoes / pasta e patate

What does pasta and potatoes with the cat with the fringe? 

I don’t know, but every time I eat this traditional dish of the Croatian countryside I think of that cat. Perhaps because he didn’t like onions.

Every year we organize a meeting of admires of this very simple pasta, Granatirmaš, and we do a binge.


A simple pasta in the shape of diamonds, maltagliati, topped with onions and potatoes.

My grandmother used a rather coarse-ground flour, and so, to get close, I use half flour type 0 and half semolina wheat flour. 


(4 people)

For pasta:

300 g flour (half type 0 and half semolina)

3 eggs



For condiment:

2 medium onions

4 potatoes


salt and pepper



Knead flour with eggs and salt and then let stand 15 minutes. Pull a rough puff and cut strips by a centimeter and a half (2/3 inch). Overlap the strips in groups of two or three and proceed to the cutting of rhombuses.

Boil the potatoes in their skin in salted water. Peel and make them into pieces with hands.

Fry the onions in the oil until paint golden. Add potatoes and cook for a couple of minutes. 

Cook the pasta, drain and add to the pan with the potatoes. Go fry for a minute, pepper and serve.


In Croatia is used to accompany this dish with green salad.

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